Content Ideas for Your Spinal Decompression Clinic Emails

Have you initiated an email campaign to promote your spinal decompression practice only to be disappointed with the results? If so, it might be time to reconsider your email content.

One common mistake clinics make with their email marketing strategy is content that oversells their services. A steady diet of sales messages will soon fall on deaf ears. Selling in today’s digital world needs to focus more on providing content that prospective patients find valuable and in building relationships and trust over time.

Here are some ideas for email content that will help you develop a more interested following that will lead to more patient acquisitions.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Back and Neck Injuries

Office-bound workers, laborers and weekend warriors all run the risk of back and neck injuries. A few tips can help them avoid problems and live a healthier, more active life. Such advice is valuable information and conveys a message that you care for individuals’ wellbeing and are not just interested in their fees for your services. This trust-building approach can help set you apart from competitors as a practitioner who cares.

Case Studies

Everyone loves a success story. And when they follow one with which they can identify, they love it even more. A retroactively developed success story that focuses on a common spinal-related treatment success can be presented in a sequence that demonstrates not only satisfaction with treatment, but also establishes expectations and can instill confidence in your ability to help their condition.

Updates on Spinal Conditions and Their Treatment

People are hungry for information, especially those who have experienced unsuccessful attempts at relieving pain associated with back and neck disorders. Keeping them up to date on the latest advances in the field helps to establish you as an authority in the field.

Information About Your Practice

A series of “Meet the Staff” emails can help prospective patients feel more comfortable about your clinic and encourage contact. Updates about new technology, new approaches and results can also peak peoples’ interest without the need for overt selling.


Nothing is more effective in the clinical treatment field than peer-to-peer selling. Why should you have to sell your services when you have satisfied customers that can do it for you? A brief profile, a quote and you’ve communicated strong message that says, “I can help you, too.”

Special Offerings

It’s a good idea to follow up a series of emails about a specific condition with an offer such as a free consultation or a reduced fee. If your previous emails have provided value, email recipients will have been paying attention. A special offer may be the ticket to get them in the door.

Call to Action

Whatever content you choose to provide in your emails, don’t overlook the importance of a call-to-action message. This message is designed to encourage prospective patients to take a specific action. That action may be anything from visiting your website, to downloading a free patient education booklet, registering for a free monthly newsletter to scheduling an appointment. The key to a call-to-action message is that you are promoting behavior that moves prospects at least one step closer to engaging your services. Don’t send an email without one.

Keep in mind that email campaigns rarely yield immediate results. The best email campaigns for a spinal decompression clinic continue to provide information on an ongoing that is of interest to recipients, builds trust and communicates the most important message, “I care.”

What’s in your email content?

Why Your Spinal Decompression Clinic Needs to Go Mobile

If mobile marketing isn’t in your plans, you might want to rethink your strategy. Some big—and growing—numbers suggest that mobile marketing has arrived in a big way.

Why You Need Mobile

As Pew research points out, over 90% of Americans own a mobile phone. Smartphone and tablet ownership continues to maintain an explosive growth rate. And tablet owners, particularly iPad owners, typically represent a consumer group with a significant amount of disposable income—a good audience for any business to target.

Mobile devices are steadily growing and impacting buying decisions. An increasingly mobile shopping force use mobile devices to locate clinics, check on services offered, comparison shop, make telephone contact and schedule appointments.

A well-designed mobile site can mean the difference between new patients and lost opportunities. Consider these findings from Google. According to Google Ad Blogs, 67% of mobile consumers are more likely to reach a purchasing decision on a mobile-friendly site and 61% say that if they can’t easily find what they need, they will leave and go to another site.

Additionally, 57% of mobile users disclosed that they wouldn’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site.

Mobile Optimization

While most practitioners have adapted to online marketing, many are missing out on the mobile trend because their sites aren’t optimized for mobile devices. As the numbers above indicate, a website that is not optimized for mobile access runs the risk of losing opportunities with a majority of mobile users.

Optimizing a site for mobile greatly enhances the user experience and adds to the odds that consumers will actively use it. Application performance is critical in the mobile market. Native apps, Android OS for Android devices and iOS for iPhones and iPads, outperform html apps in the mobile space and enable added functionality. Mobile users prefer applications designed to their devices’ operating software. A 2013 study from Flurry Analytics found that iOS and Android users spend 80% of their time in native apps. Native apps enhance the user experience by integrating with all of their many other tools. One-touch phoning, emailing or calendaring, for example, provide a quick, convenient and efficient way to take care of business on the fly.

Native apps provide a superior customer experience and enable companies to project a far more professional image. Developers acquainted with mobile optimization can greatly enhance your mobile website effectiveness

Ways to Use Mobile in Your Practice

The trends in mobile device usage demand that your site is optimized for mobile access. Consider these factors as you add mobile capabilities:

  • Make your site mobile friendly and easy to navigate from an smartphone or tablet
  • Prominently display your phone number to encourage a simple touch call
  • Include mobile appointment setting capabilities
  • Make your clinic contact information and location readily accessible with maps and directions
  • Enable opt-ins for spinal condition education and special offers
  • Optimize your site for mobile operating systems

The bottom line is that, if you want to reach your audience, you need to build an effective and professional presence in their preferred media channel. That channel is increasingly becoming mobile.

Is your spinal decompression website optimized for mobile?